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Group Exercise - Studio 1 Mind Body Studio Group Exercise - Studio 2 Aquatic Fitness Schedule Pickleball Open Play Time FIT zone Schedule


Cardio Kickboxing

Studio 1

Cardio Kick Box is an all-encompassing workout that maintains high levels of aerobic performance to get your heart pumping. The class combines interval training with boxing moves and kicking maneuvers designed to maximize athletic performance.


FIT zone

FIT Zone

FIT zone is small group training instructed by Certified Personal Trainers. FIT zone allows for the personal attention of a trainer in a group setting that focuses on camaraderie and accountability. Research has shown that individuals who train with a trainer and have the accountability of a group are 80% more likely to achieve their […]


Core/Stretch Express

Studio 1

This quick paced half hour long class format will allow you to get in a fantastic core strengthening session to allow you to target your core and back as well as get a quality stretch in after working your muscles. This is the perfect start or end to you a class!


Liquid TNT

Warm Water Pool

Take the weight room to the pool! This innovative and challenging workout utilizes the unique properties of water to strengthen and tone while simultaneously working to balance and stabilize the body.



Studio 1

Zumba is an aerobic dance class full of Latin and other exotic music flavors. The routines feature aerobic interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. Zumba targets areas such as the glutes, legs, arms, abdominals and the most important muscle of the body - the heart! […]


BodyCombat – Les Mills

Studio 1

This empowering cardio workout is inspired by martial arts including karate, boxing, taekwondo, tai chi, and muay thai. Supported by driving music and a powerful role-model instructor, you will strike, punch, kick, and kata your way through calories to superior cardio fitness!



Studio 1

This format combines a variety of high intensity cardio intervals with strength training drills to burn fat while increasing core stability, coordination, strength and muscular endurance. Get ready to build a stronger, fitter you!


Master Swim

Lap Pool

Master Swim is for members and non-members that are looking for a structured swimming workout. This program includes individuals with a broad range of abilities, from fitness and lap swimmers to triathletes and competitively minded swimmers. There is a coach at every practice with a workout.


Pilates Equipment

1st Floor Conference Room

Enjoy group classes on PPV Reformers and MVe chairs.  Experience singular methods of exercise that help today's fitness enthusiasts and athletes achieve new levels of performance.


In Too Deep

Lap Pool

A fun and challenging workout utilizing buoyancy resistance in deep water. A no-impact workout that is easy on joints yet totally exhilarating for all fitness levels. A flotation device is used.

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